2017 Jane Austen Festival

The Jane Austen Festival in Kentucky was wonderful! I live in Columbus OH so it was a three hour drive down to Locust Grove. I went on a Saturday (The festival runs Friday through Sunday). I didn't attend the other days or the ball on Saturday night because I had only sewn one dress. I could have worn regular clothes for the other days (not the ball) but it's not in my nature to do that, lol.

Locust Grove, KY

The house at Locust Grove is beautiful! It was originally founded in 1790 on 55 acres of land by William Croghan and his wife Lucy Corghan. Lucy Corghan was actually the sister of the famous William Clark of the Lewis and Clark expedition. In 1806 the expedition was heading back towards the east coast and the Croghans held a homecoming to celebrate the event. Locust Grove is the only residence west of the Appalachians that once housed Lewis and Clark. 

Another view of Locust Grove

Inside the house were beautiful rooms and quite a few handmade dress that were made by a JASNA member. You could walk around the house freely or you could follow a guide for an actual tour.

In addition to the tour of the house there were many events going on and tents that you could purchase a wide array of wares from.

 The grounds

Naval Dinner

Rations that were provided to those in the Navy

After wandering the grounds there was also a duel and a bare knuckle demonstration. These were very entertaining and I am really glad I had nothing scheduled during those times to watch them. I also attend a few presentations, such as 'The Eulogy Jane Austen Should have Had' and the Regency Style Show although I didn't capture any photos of those. 

Gentleman's Duel

Bare Knuckle Demostration

When you purchased tickets you also had the option to attend a tea ceremony for a little extra cash. I chose an early slot and was seated with an older couple who were absolutely wonderful. They travel around and attend all types of costumed events, some that I had never even heard of!

Tea room being prepped.

Busy tea room!

One of the main reasons I wanted to attend on Saturday was because I wanted to be a part of the mourning procession. Jane Austens death was 200 years ago and it only seemed right to have a mourning procession. JASNA was trying to set the world record for longest mourning procession.

It was a great day (although very hot) and I vowed to try and attend all three days and the ball in 2018. I actually found a friend who is interested in going with me so it will be really nice to enjoy it with a friend.


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